Enterprise level scale: lessons learned in real estate

Date: Friday, July 13, 2018
Time: 9:30 - 10:15 am (CDT) (UTC-05:00)
Format: Lightning Talk

Session description

Thoughts on managing large multisites with thousands of users, and only one theme.


Lacy Paschal

Headshot of Lacy Paschal
Executive Director of Digital Strategy, Vanderbilt University

As Executive Director of Digital Strategy at Vanderbilt University, Lacy and her team engage the power of creativity and technology to tell Vanderbilt's story (tada!) They plan, build, implement, measure, and optimize a data-driven digital strategy and work collaboratively across the Vanderbilt community to elevate VU's digital presence.  The Digital Strategy team is responsible for Vanderbilt’s online presence, providing web and application development services, and supporting their content management systems and all the users that entails.

Paschal serves on the board for the Higher Education Web Professionals Association, chairs the Management and Professional Development Track at the annual HighEdWeb national conference, and serves as Art Director for LINK, the Journal of Higher Education Web Professionals. She lives in Nashville with her 4-year old son, Hayden.


  • Lightning Talk: Enterprise level scale: lessons learned in real estate

Session video