Session description
“Governance” sounds like work. Like bureaucracy. Like "no." It doesn’t have to be this way.
Governance is most effective when it looks like help and sounds like "yes." Governance should be empowering, enlightening, supportive of goals and flexible enough to allow innovation. But where do you start? How do you go from the wild wild west to cozy compliance when resources are tight and people are overtasked?
In this workshop we’ll talk about starting where you are - chaos in the content, stakeholder struggles, buy-in bellyaches—to build a non-invasive governance environment where stakeholder wish-lists and attainable goals are shaped into best practices and reasons to continuously improve together. Together we’ll walk through frameworks, tasks and training to help guide your stakeholders away from being people who put stuff on the website and toward being stewards of a mission-critical institutional resource.
Shelley Keith
I've been building websites long enough to remember when Angelfire was rad and the capitalization of HoTMaiL was clever. I survived the Dot Bomb, the advent of the "blog," and the days when every small business client was sure they could clone eBay, only just for Beanie Babies, and make a mint. Having spent somewhere in the vicinity of 15 years building and managing web and social media in higher education before being lured away by the siren's call of a remote position with Modern Tribe, today I'm managing a really smart team building really cool stuff. I talk about content strategy, governance and accessibility anytime someone gives me a microphone.
- Workshop: Cozying up to chaos and other life lessons: Getting started with governance in higher ed