Future-proofing against the next big change

Date: Friday, July 13, 2018
Time: 4:15 - 5:00 pm (CDT) (UTC-05:00)
Location: Simon Hall 112
Format: Panel Discussion

Session description

A few years ago, everyone had to overhaul all of their websites to become 'responsive' and now we're overhauling everything to be 'accessible'. As we plan for Gutenberg and GDPR, we have to ask ourselves: What are the next big changes up ahead and how do we better anticipate them to get prepared before the mad scramble? Join a panel of higher ed strategists and technologists in a very participatory session aimed at bringing the best ideas to the table.


Malik Singleton

Headshot of Malik Singleton
Instructional Technologist, NYU

Malik Singleton trains higher education faculty in best ways to use technology in their courses. His work with NYU IT involves web publishing and instructional media, plus change management. He also teaches web development and data science at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism. He has worked in online news and software training -- now he applies that experience to education technology.


  • Panel Discussion: Future-proofing against the next big change

Robin Smail

Headshot of Robin Smail
UX designer, Penn State

Robin Smail [noun]: An authentic voice who is never afraid to dissent. Passionate about inclusive user experience. Enthusiastic in that infectious way you just can't escape. A user experience designer, Robin's mission is to connect people and technology in accessible ways. Whether advocating for accessibility, helping to shape conferences and communities of practice, or designing user-friendly interfaces, her goal is always to collaborate, motivate and transform. Robin holds a BS in information sciences and technology from Penn State, knows a thing or two about higher ed and can be found online everywhere misbehaving as Robin2go.


Jeremy Felt

Headshot of Jeremy Felt
Sr. WordPress Engineer, Washington State University

Jeremy Felt has been building on the web for over 20 years. He’s a WordPress core developer and maintainer of VVV. He believes in free and open source software and loves to help people share their work.


Donna Talarico

Headshot of Donna Talarico
Writer/Publisher, Independent Writer

Donna Talarico is an independent writer and content marketing consultant, and she also is the founder of Hippocampus Magazine. She has more than two decades of marketing and communications experience, and about half of that time has been in higher education, most recently as director of integrated communications at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania. In addition to content work for clients in higher ed and B2B, Donna writes a marketing column for Wiley's recruiting and retaining adult learner newsletter, and has contributed to CASE Currents, Guardian Higher Education Network, various alumni magazines, The Writer, mental_floss and others.


Shelley Keith

Headshot of Shelley Keith
Strategist, Modern Tribe

Shelley Keith has building websites long enough to remember when Angelfire was rad and the capitalization of HoTMaiL was clever. She survived the Dot Bomb, the advent of the "blog," and the days when every small business client was sure they could clone eBay, only just for Beanie Babies, and make a mint. Having spent roughly 15 years building and managing web and social media in higher education before being lured away by the siren's call of her dream job with Modern Tribe, today she's managing a really smart team building really cool stuff. She talks about content strategy, governance and accessibility anytime someone gives her a microphone.


  • Panel Discussion: Future-proofing against the next big change

Session video